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It’s Called “Hot Mess”

by | Jul 25, 2014 | Art

I’ve been painting every day for weeks now, seeking out techniques when necessary (HINT: it’s ALWAYS necessary), and learning as I go.  How to paint eyes, scumbling, thick over thin, etc.  And how to mix skin tones. Despite some laughable hiccups, I *think* I’ve got the hang of it, at least the light-skinned tones.  With all the fun names that shades of  paint have, like burnt umber and alizarin crimson, we decided my hard-won skin tone color shall be named “hot mess”, since that’s what it started out to be.

I’m working on about six different canvases right now, and have another one waiting in the wings.  Hmmm, a theme has developed.

mess, canvases, paintings, studioThese are my girls.  They keep me company.