I Love Jamie Cullum

I’ve seen Jamie Cullum in concert three times now. The first, in San Diego, at a multi-act concert put on by a local radio station. That’s when we first heard of him. He was a last minute replacement act for someone. He blew us away, and we went out and...

I have issues…

…like 14 of them. Canvases in play, that is. And only one I consider finished. Now, all but two are in oil, so the medium lends itself to slower, more thoughtful work.  That’s great, but I’m thinking I need to focus on completing a few, if for no...
It’s Called “Hot Mess”

It’s Called “Hot Mess”

I’ve been painting every day for weeks now, seeking out techniques when necessary (HINT: it’s ALWAYS necessary), and learning as I go.  How to paint eyes, scumbling, thick over thin, etc.  And how to mix skin tones. Despite some laughable hiccups, I...

Generation gap

What Generation Gap? One of the (very) few drawbacks to having a long term care plan younger husband is that he doesn’t always get your cultural references. Case in point:  While working on a self-portrait today, I was blending the oils on the canvas when I...
Work in Progress

Work in Progress

And the Record for Longest Work in Progress Goes To…. Much like me…. I started this canvas in California, over a year ago.  I *think* I have a picture of it on my other computer, but here’s what it’s looking like now.  Not done just yet, but...

Aw, yeah….

Über productive day today.  Cleaned and reorganized the studio, yet still had time to paint for an hour or so. Couldn’t have done it without husband, who spent his day off hangin’ with the kidlet, doing dishes, cooking and workin’ the laundry.  Not...